Tag Archives: War

Jakob The Liar

Jakob The Liar – is an American war comedy film released in 1999. During the Holocaust in a ghetto in German occupied Poland a rumor spreads that shopkeeper Jakob has a radio. Playing along with the rumor Jakob starts telling lies to people in the ghetto to keep up their hopes. This is not the only lie he is telling but he is also hiding a young Jewish girl who had escaped from an extermination camp deportation train. Jakob soon becomes the symbol of hope for the community and he goes a long way to give everything for his people.

The movie is made from a Novel by Jurek Becker. It is a remake of the East German DEFA film Jakob der Lügner from 1975. But I felt it was tailor made for Robin Williams.The movie has a tone of the movie Life is beautiful. However here the protagonist is spreading belief and hope for an entire community and gives everything in the end for his people. A very nice tale told in the background of one of the cruel times. Robin Williams brings Jakob’s character from book to life. This is a must watch for all Robin Williams fans.

The tag line – When all hope was lost, he invented it. – how fitting it is for Robin Williams… we will miss him.

Must Watch – for all Robin Williams fans

Inglourious Basterds

Inglourious Basterds –  A film by Tarantino released in 2009 revolves around two plots that ultimately converge with each other. The story is set in 1944 when there is a group of Jewish soldiers known as Basterds are feared by the Nazis. A jewish girl in her late teens is running a cinema in Paris and has grudge against the Nazis. There is a German film planned to be premiered in the theater and Hitler is planning to attend it. Both the girl and the Basterds in parallel come up with plan to assassinate Hitler.  Will they succeed in their plan is the rest of the movie.

This is one of my all time favorite Tarantino movie. It has been executed brilliantly and there is never a dull moment in the movie. The bar scene where the ensemble are playing games although seem to be an uninteresting narration but the tension in the plot and the anticipation of what is going to happen next makes it a brilliant scene. Typical Tarantino style of having very insignificant foreground to a tension packed background plot (remember the conversation of Samuel Jackson and Travolta about McDonalds in the movie Pulp fiction). None other than Tarantino can make such interesting sequences. Brad Pitt has acted very well. The performance that stands out is that of Christopher Waltz… the performance was simply superb and no surprise that he won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor in 2010. For brilliant performances and narration style Inglourious Basterds is a Must Watch!

Must Watch